Support for providers


  • Simple Signup

  • Setup your account

  • Schedule an e-visit

Simple Sign-up

You need to use Chrome Browser.

Go the Blum Website.

Click the blue sign-up button.

Choose Practice and scroll down.

Enter basic practice info and agree to terms to continue.

Enter personal info.

Whoever you list will be your administrator and will receive requests for appointments.

You can change your administrator at any time.

Password needs a minimum of 8 characters and contain at least one capital.

Click agree and confirm.

You’ll receive a confirmation email in your individual—not practice—account.

Once you’ve responded, we’ll verity and send you an email.

Then you can finish setting up your account.

Add Your People

Under Manage Members, click admins.

Your administrator is already listed. If also a provider, add another role.

Under Add New Member, add everybody in your practice who will communicate

with patients through Blum.

Don’t forget to include your schedulers.

At the bottom add specialties for each provider.

And choose states where they are licensed to practice.

After they respond to a confirmation email, they’ll be changed from Pending.

Next go to Manage Time Slots and then Availability Settings.

Select Provider

Fill in the times available for e-visits.

Select Duration of Visit.

Make sure you hit save at the bottom.

Invite Patients

Now you’re ready to invite patients to associate with you.

Go to invitations.

Choose family and add patient emails, separated by commas.

If you have a large patient base, please email us. We’ll help you with mass distribution.

Patients receive an email with a link to the Blum website where they can set up an account.

They’re automatically associated with your practice.

Set Up Payments

We make it easy for patients to pay you from the Blum site.

They just type in credit or debit card info.

And you have options to control your collections.

You can make payment mandatory before the session or bill immediately after.

And you can ask patients to post photos of insurance cards so you can validate.

To receive Blum Payments, you’ll need a Stripe account.

You can open one at and go to payment processing

Schedule an E-visit

Log-in and select schedule.

Select Member.

Choose Family if they’re at home.

Choose Facility if they’re at a nursing home, school or hospital.

Or practice if you are connecting with a provider in another practice.

Start to type the patient’s name.

Search by last name.

Pick a time slot. Click for beyond this week.

Select time and reason.

You can add a third party, such as another provider or caregiver. Or just book it now.

The patient receives an email asking him to sign on to Blum where he can accept, reject or reschedule.


Your e-visits will show up on your dashboard.

At the scheduled time, you patient hits join.

You select start and you come together in a private, HIPAA-compliant online room.

Blum keeps detailed reports on all e-visits—when, who attended, how long and

more. Download to Excel or as a PDF.

If you ever need help with anything, call or chat online with support at 844-817-6084.

Blum helps you maintain a health cash flow and build healthier relationships with

patients and facilities in your local community.

We’re glad you’re on board.